Fall Maintenance Projects for Your Home

October 20, 2015

It’s the perfect time of year to step outside in the cooler weather and complete a few fall home maintenance projects. Maintaining your home will reduce the likelihood of major damage during the bitter cold months, saving you time and money.

  1. Clean those gutters! Have you looked in your gutters lately? Leaves, and sticks have piled up for the past 6 months. Put your gloves on and safely climb a ladder to remove the debris. While you are up there, check to see if there are any cracks or damage joints on the gutter. Maintaining your gutters will help prevent ice buildup and dangerous icicles.
  2. Check that roof! Nobody wants a leaky roof or chimney in the dead of winter or anytime for that matter. Make sure the shingles are well maintained, your skylights aren’t leaking and the chimney isn’t cracked. If you find some damage and you don’t feel equipped to fix it yourself, give us a call and we will refer you to a professional.
  3. Preserve the interior! Your heating bill will not be a pleasant sight if your windows and doors aren’t caulked properly. Cold air will sneak right in and bite more than your nose. Also replace your furnace filter for better air flow and check carbon monoxide detectors to keep your family safe and healthy.
  4. Don’t forget the garage! That place where everything seems to collect including insects and smelly shoes. Check the drafts around the garage door and weather seal the door. If you tend to notice extra moisture building up, install vents to help airflow.
  5. 5. Rake the leaves! Your beautiful lawn will be an unattractive site once spring finally comes around if the leaves aren’t cleaned up.

There are a couple of ways to be environmentally friendly and reuse the fallen leaves:

  • Compost
  • Burn
  • Mulch

There you have it – 5 easy fall maintenance projects. Take a Saturday or two and get your home ready for old man winter!