Provider & Cost Benchmarking

100% Focused on Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

Balancing Fees and Services

Review My Current Plan Fees

Do you know how much your retirement plan costs? Who are the different service providers to your plan, what are their responsibilities, and what are they being paid? Are your employees bearing all the fees? Is that how you want it? Are you using a Group Annuity platform? What does that even mean?!

ERISA requires that retirement plans must have reasonable plan expenses. But how do you know if your fees are “reasonable”? We can help.

The Department of Labor doesn’t have specific benchmarks, but does recommend that plans look at live bids from other providers every three to five years to see how pricing stacks up. Have you done that recently? We can help.

Through our industry expertise, experiences, and exclusive tools & services, we can create a thorough market analysis so you have a solid read on how your plan compares to the current market.

Ask our BHS experts about provider & cost benchmarking.

Investment advisory services offered through Global Retirement Partners, LLC dba BHS Financial Services, an SEC registered investment advisor.

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