Insurance carriers usually keep claim records for five years. When you apply with a new insurance company, they will receive a C.L.U.E. (Combined Loss Underwriting Exchange) report that shows your claims from the past five years. Even towing and windshield replacement claims can show up in a C.L.U.E. report.
Some companies offer a claims-free discount and, currently, claims of all types have a rating impact with many companies. For example, if you had three windshield replacements during the past three years, you may be charged with a “frequency” rating factor. We suggest you contact your agent to discuss the impact of a small claim before you file it with your insurance company. It is our privilege to give you the best information available to help you decide which option will keep your future rates as low as possible.
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Answered by:

Celesta FranklinAccount Manager
Account Manager
6 years’ insurance experience, 3 years at BHS Insurance
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