When we take your information – either when we start a brand new quote or begin an account review – we ask questions regarding possible discounts we can add to your policy. Many of these details are then noted on your account so we can include the discount later (if it can’t be applied right away).
The majority of the “discounts” on a policy are automatically picked up by the quoting program software when we input your information. We also might be able to find one or two small discounts that apply during a review.
Discounts apply to pricing for liability and physical damage coverages, generally by a percentage—depending on the discount. They can be for safety equipment on your automobile or the safe manner in which you drive. Some companies are using devices that confirm your driver safety skills which may qualify you for an increased discount based on your driving habits.
Answered by:

Celesta FranklinAccount Manager
Account Manager
6 years’ insurance experience, 3 years at BHS Insurance
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