With a proven track record of providing coverage to hundreds of municipalities throughout Michigan, BHS Insurance has a thorough understanding of how to evaluate the unique needs of public entities of all sizes.
- Counties
- Cities
- Townships
- Villages
- Public Schools
- Airports
- Power Generation Facilities
- Water and Sewer Authorities
- Municipal Public Transportation Systems
- Libraries
- Comprehensive Municipal Liability
- Public Officers Liability (Errors and Omissions)
- Law Enforcement Liability
- School Board Legal Liability
- Cemetery Professional Liability
- Electrical Generation
- Emergency Vehicles
- Transit Systems
- Property and Equipment
- Public Officers Bonds
- Tax Interruption
- Jail Inmate Medical
- Pollution including UST and AST
- Builders Risk
- Automobile Liability
We also offer compliance and legislative updates as well as on-site seminars and training to help to keep you up to date on the issues important to your municipality.